History about Lord Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

History of the Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. 

      A very brief history of the Buddha As is the case with visiting Lumbini someone may ask you a little more about what happened to Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)? Here is a very brief history of his life. Siddhartha stayed as the crown prince in his fathers kingdom and is said to have had and an arranged marriage at 16 before having a son. At the age of 29 Siddhartha left his palace to meet his subjects despite his fathers attempts at sheltering him. Along the way Siddhartha met an old man. He was told that all people grew old sick and poor people. This sadden him and he took more trips to investigate further. On one visit he saw an ill man, a decaying corpse and an ascetic (person who abstains from worldly pleasure in an attempt to seek religious or spiritual goals). These sights depresses him so Siddhartha left his palace to take on the life of a mendicant (person who begs for charitable donations). Siddhartha began to strive deeper into meditative teachings. But was still not happy. He then began trying to find enlightenment through deprivation of worldly possessions, including food and by practicing self-mortification. At one stage only living on a nut or leaf for a day. After nearly drowning a childhood memory helped him reach a certain level of understanding that allowed him to concentrate more. After finding a middle ground between self-mortification and concentration he met a girl that mistook him for a spirit due to his emancipated condition and granted her a wish. Siddhartha then sat under a Pipal tree (Bodhi Tree) and vowed not to move until he found the answer he was looking for. After 49 days at the age of 35 he is said to have found enlightenment and thusly became known and The Buddha (The Enlightened One). In the 45 years that followed The Buddha brought his teachings across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and southern Nepal. It is said that there were several assassination attempts on the Buddha's life. At the age of 80 the Buddha announce that he would soon reach Parinirvana (final deathless state). Indeed shortly after eating a meal given to him of either pork or truffles The Buddha became ill. His finally words were supposedly  "All composite things pass away. Strive for your own liberation with diligence." The Buddha entered Parinirvana in Kuśināra (Kushinagar, India). His body was cremated and it's said that several relics were placed in monuments or stupas. On of which is believed to be a finger bone that's kept in the stupa at Boudhanath.

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