3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal

3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal

About Tansen Palpa Nepal

Tansen Palpa Nepal is the capital of magar kindgom, Tansen kingdom is the one of the most powerful regional principalities before the rise of the Shah dynasty. It conquering Kathmandu in the 16th century under the leadership of Mukunda Sen. The Palpa Tansen also known as one house of magar people, and the name "Tansen" has its created in the Magar language, meaning "northern settlement. Local Magar kings lost influence in the 18th century and Tansen Palpa became a Newari bazaar on the important market route between Tibet and India via the Kali Gandaki River and Mustang. Because it was a district administrative center of the Kingdom of Nepal, Maoists targeted Tansen several times during the Nepalese Civil War, including a major assault on the historic palace compound in 2006.
3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal
Nearby Srinagar hill is one of the popular place in Palpa which offers a panoramic view of the high Himalaya. Where you can view from west to east, the Kanjiroba, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Mansiri, Ganesh and Langtang groups are in sight, Then also the Kali Gandaki river, Queen Palace is the main attraction of Tansen Palpa. And the tansen people organise A large mela Maghe Sankranti on around 14 januari.
United Mission Hospital also located in Tansen Palpa, which is in mile east of the town center. The hospital establish in 1954 as a partnership between the people of Nepal and a coalition of 20 Christian organizations on four continents. The Mission Hospital has 160 beds capacity.
But here we going to describe of the main attraction of Tansen Palpa Nepal.
3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal

3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal:

  1. Palpa Darbar Museum: Palpa Darbar is first attraction Tansen Palpa. Palpa Darbar at the southern end of Sitalpati is the striking red Tansen Durbar, which has been nicely restored after being razed during one of the Maoist insurgency’s most violent battles. The original building was built for the provincial governor in 1927.In more recent times the building served as district administration headquarters, which explains why the Maoists targeted it. It now includes a museum of local culture and history; they were just starting to populate the collection at time of research.
3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal
  1. Rani Mahal: Rani Mahal is the second attraction of Tansen Palpa. Rani Mahal also known as “queens palace” and it was built by the General of palpa,khadga shumsher.He had more thean one wife,but his youngest and favourite wife was named Tej Kumari.Her last wish before she passed was to have a Durbar built in her memory.Thus began the creation of Rani Mahal.
  2. Shreenagar Hill/View tower: Srinagar Hill is the very famous hill in Palpa Tansen for great view of himalaya, Gandaki river Tansen city and many more. Here is most beautiful jungle and on top of the hill there is view tower where you can see not only the jungle view also the whole enviroment including with himalayas. Mostly local people liked to comes here for picnic.
    3 Main attractions of Tansen Palpa Nepal

How to reach Tansen Palpa from Kathmandu ?

There is 4 way to get there from Capital City of Kathmandu to Palpa Tansan via car, bus, plane. If you are going to travel by car it will take 8 and half hour to reach Tansen palpa, then you're going to travel by bus it will cost about 10 US dollor, and if you're gooing to travel via plane you have to take bus again fron Bhairawa National airport to reach Tansen Palpa.

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